Airtel Free Unlimited Hello Tunes or Caller Tunes

Airtel Free Unlimited Hellotunes

 Hello friends today I will write about new feature from AirTel to there customer which is free unlimited HelloTunes for Airtel users, I know recently but I am sharing with you because I like this feature. I will also review about this feature and I will also show how to add caller tunes or hello tunes in your Airtel number.

This Video will tell you how to add unlimited HelloTunes to your number -

     For giving competition to Jio, Airtel also giving free HelloTunes features to their customers, I don't know when its start but recently I am checking on my Wynk music app and I thought to add a caller tunes to my number and I calculated how much I have to pay for this and I just add the ringtone through Wynk Music and their SMS prompt, and in SMS say that your HelloTunes set for 28 Days for free and for other Tunes please visit Wynk app for unlimited HelloTunes to your number. After this message I added lot of ringtones on same day and their no extra charge for that Well done Airtel.
    Now regarding this feature its good but not good as like Jio CallerTunes, in Jio the song you will add to your number, the length of the song or tune is good, the caller listen almost full songs, but in Airtel the length of the tune or song is very sort, the caller will listen sort of song, but in Airtel user can listen the Hellotune before adding to their number now that is good for not accidentally apply the Hellotunes. Although the feature is very good and I like that's why I am sharing this with You.

That's all for today for any suggestion please comment.
Thank You.


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